Welcome to Akashic Records Download: Unlock the Infinite Wisdom of Your Soul Through Cutting-Edge Simulation Technology!

Opened in 2020 by Human Energetik in Vienna Austria

Discover Your Past

Welcome to Akashic Records Download, where we unlock the wisdom of your soul's journey. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through the process of accessing your Akashic records, providing insights that can transform your life. If you're ready to explore your past and gain clarity for your future, reach out to you today...


So far as we know, before around 40 years from now, first time ever seen and hear real ghost, then after around 35 years first time ever seen activation and grand opening of akashic records and entering the simulation. Stay tuned. 

Explore the depths of your soul's history...

Unlock the secrets of your past...

Discover the guidance waiting for you...

Unlock Your Ultimate Potential:
Akashic Records for Transformative Simulations!

Go visit and find out Your soul contract - David Ngan 

Pure Human Awakening - Buy and get free masterclass

Record Retrieval

Guided Sessions

Personalized Insights

Transformative Insights: Exploring the Akashic Records Download Experience in Simulation at SAP